Sailing charter to Racha and Coral Islands and what we saw!!
December 2014
Racha Island and the waters there are beautiful, crystal clear and offer amazing chances to see and swim with hundreds of fish and sometimes more... Taking Escape Artist our Motor Catamaran out for a day charter with clients, we headed out from Chalong to start the day cruise to Racha Islands which only takes about an hour and a half at most.

We arrived to find the bay empty of speedboat tours for a change and moored up over a gorgeous reef in 5 meters of crystal clear water.
Immediately the fish started to come to the surface, we jumped in and started to feed them with bread and were soon surrounded by them. With the sun shining we decided to do some fishing and were soon catching fish on our handlines, the smaller ones we put back in, but the larger ones were taken home by the crew for dinner!
Snorkeling at racha Islands is a wonderful experience with puffer fish and so many species of reef fish to enjoy its a pleasure.
On the way back to chalong we decided to do some game fishing and set our lines and slowly cruised back waiting for the fish to bite, we did not have to wait long before we hooked on and we quickly started to reel inthe catch - it was a tuna about a foot long and great tasting - the chef on board prepared Sushi for us which we ate while witing for the next catch. We had hardly sat down to enjoy the tuna and wasabi dip when the other line started to scream and we jumped up to reel in the next catch... a very nice Dorado or Dolphin fish as its known in the US and Australia. The dorado we gave to the crew for an evening meal as we were already full rom lunch and the tuna LOL
With time to spare we decided to stop off at Coral Island for a spot of beach exploring and relaxation to finish the day before heading back to Chalong for a nice relaxing drink and watiching the sunset over the bay.

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